Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Aurora (2008)

Pupil glances to the image forth

Of enchanting waves above the mountain’s roof

Light surrounds and bounces off the air

Arms sway as sparks glow from fingertips


Delight upon the victory of sunrise

Of how it conquers the gloom of the night sky

Capture the joy of breeze as it approaches one’s cheeks

Soar… and face the cascading shadows of trees and bushes

Lined at the crossroads of bliss and apathy!

Lightning rejoin the gestures of heavens…

Echo rages… and dew drops slip away—

From the apex of the bright green foliage

To the withered soil dusted of sand and ashes…

A pinch of life, a chink of faith…

Sweet serenity

Ailed bouquets…

Atmosphere remains tinted—

Of crystalline grey and velvet plum.

Its spirit dances…


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